Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA v1.00, v1.01, v1.10, v1.11, v1.20, v2.00, v2.01

The WinPrint function accepts a palette file to allow the mapping of alternate colours to the printer. A default palette file that has the black and white colours remapped is supplied with Citect called PRINTER.PAL If you don't specify a palette file in WinPrint, this palette will be used automatically. For example:

WinPrint("LPT2:", 0, 0); ! use PRINTER.PAL as default
WinPrint("LPT2:", 0, 0, ""); ! use display palette
WinPrint("LPT2:", 0, 0, "PRINTER.PAL");! use PRINTER.PAL file
WinPrint("LPT2:", 0, 0, "MYPAL.PAL"); ! use MYPAL.PAL file

See Q1282 on how to setup a palette file.



