Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 2.00 2.01

This is the procedure for editing bitmaps (created in Citect) using Corel Draw versions 3 and 4. Corel is useful if you require shading on a bitmap. eg a tank of some kind. Use the Corel Help system to find out more information on shading. 

To edit a bitmap with Corel, use the Corel Photopaint application that comes with Corel Draw.

If you have drawn a page or an object using the Citect Bitmap editor, copy the bitmap to the Windows clipboard, and start Corel Photopaint.

To load the Citect palette in Corel Photopaint you will need to create a new file, and set the size of the new file to the size of the bitmap created in Citect. (I generally create a file slightly larger then the bitmap to be imported.) For the mode, choose 256 colours.

Using Corel Draw Version 3

Once this blank file has been created, you can click on the palette choice from the toolbar at the top of Corel, then click on Open Palette, and choose the CorelCit.pal file. (This file is avaliable from the Citect Bulletin Board.) Once you paste the bitmap into Corel you can edit the drawing using the same colours that Citect uses. To import the bitmap back into Citect, copy the bitmap (in Corel) to the clipboard and paste into Citect. Don't forget that Citect has an option to choose a colour that will be a transparent paste. To set a transparent colour, use View| Display Options from the Citect Draw toolbar.

Using Corel Draw Version 4

Once this blank file has been created, you can select the colour palette from the floating Colour selection toolbar. Use the dropdown box on the toolbar if the toolbar is rolled up. On the rolled down toolbar, an arrow (pointing to the right) appears just above the Outline button. Select this arrow, and select Open Palette. With Corel Version 4 only 64 colours can be shown at one time from the palette. Since Citect uses 128 colours it is not possible to use all of the Citect colours at once. (Because of this, two colour palette files have been created. These file are avaliable from the Citect Bulletin Board. Citect1.clr file contains Greys, Whites, Black, Reds, Cyans and Greens. Citect2.clr file contains Greys, Whites, Black, Yellows, Blues and Purples.)

If you require two colours, one from each of the Colour palettes, you will need to edit these files (in Photopaint) to add or delete the colours as required. Once you paste the bitmap into Corel, you can edit the drawing using the same colours that Citect uses. (Rememb that only 64 colours at a time can be used.) To import the bitmap back into Citect, copy the bitmap (in Corel) to the clipboard and paste into Citect. Don't forget that Citect has an option to choose a colour that will be a transparent paste. To set a transparent colour, use View| Display Options from the Citect Draw toolbar.


