Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 3.00


Client and Server:
AT&D3   DTR drop causes the modem to hang-up and inhibit auto answer. Also resets modem as though an ATZ had been issued.

ATS0=1   Set modem to answer on the first ring.

Special Options in Ports Form

-h COMX CTS/DSR output control, DCD(8) must be connected to CTS(5) or DSR(6)
PCXI CTS(transmit enable)/DCD(receive enable) hardware control. When transmitting a frame, if either CTS or DCD is off, the whole frame thrown away and is not transmitted. Once transmission is initiated, the hardware signal CTS will enable/disable transmission automatically.
COMXI . When transmitting a frame, if either CTS or DCD is off, the whole frame is thrown away and is not transmitted.

ATE0    Do not echo commands. To stop the client from connecting to itself (its echo).

Special Options in Ports Form

-IATDTphonenumber\M~{60} To dial the remote server. Put in the appropriate number of '~' (say 60 i.e. 30 seconds) to allow time for the connection to be made.

CiNet is sometimes also called LLC driver.



