Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 3.00

The TIWAY and TISERIAL driver may return the following warnings when reading data:
Code (hex) Meaning
1 01 Operational and performing instruction data type and loop execution with a non-fatal error detected. (RUN with non-fatal error)
1 02 Operational and not performing instruction data type execution with loop execution, (PROGRAM)
1 03 Operational and not performing instruction data type or loop execution. (PROGRAM)
1 04 Operational and not performing instruction data type execution with loop execution and a non-fatal error is detected. (PROGRAM with non-fatal error)
1 05 Operational and not performing instruction and data type or loop execution and a non-fatal error is detected. (PROGRAM with a non-fatal error).

The data is still valid, but it will cause a hardware alarm with error code 100B (hex). The user don't want to see this error.


In version 3.0 there is a new citect.ini variable for TIWAY and TISERIAL


The default value is 0, which will display all warnings. To turn all warnings off, set warninglevel to 5.


