Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 1.00 1.01 1.10 1.11 1.20 2.00 2.01 3.00

This is a listing of all Citect for DOS parameters supported. The following parameters belong in the [Citect For DOS] section of the Citect.INI file. eg. [Citect For Dos]LanA=2 : 

Poll The poll time to check for network communication. Default to 0 (interrupt mode), range 0 to 1000
DatRecBuf Number of datagram receive buffers. These buffers are used to receive datagrams from the Citect for DOS network requests. Default 4, range 1 to 12. See Q1308 for problems associated with the parameter.
LanA The LanA stack the Citect for DOS network will use. The Citect for DOS support only supports 1 network stack. The default is the first stack as setup under the LAN section. You may specify another LanA stack via this option. Range 0 to 8.
Server Enable this computer as a Citect for DOS server. This will make this computer send responses to requests from Citect for DOS clients. Default to 0, range 0 or 1.
Client Enable this computer as a Citect for DOS client. This will make this computer send request to CItect for DOS servers and receive response from them.Default to 0, range 0 or 1
Name Citect for DOS I/O Server name. This is the name of this computers DOS I/O Server. The Units configured under this I/O Server will be enabled onto the network. Default DOSServer.
SendDelay The send delay time in milliseconds. Any data to be send to the CItect for DOS network is delayed this time so it may be optimized to build larger packets. Default is 20, range 0 to 5000.
ReadPool This buffer pool is used to unload data from the network for Citect for DOS support. When Citect runs short of this pool, the hardware error 'Out of buffers' will be generated and this will degrade the network performance. Default 32, range 1 to 126.
WritePool This buffer pool is used to buffer write data to the network for Citect for DOS support. Default 32, range 1 to 126.
SwapBytes Swap the bytes for data being returned from Citect for DOS server to Citect for Windows. This may be required as the byte order for some PLC protocols has changed from Citect for DOS to Citect for Windows. If digital data is displayed incorrectly try this option. You may have to use this option in association with SwapBits. Default 0, range 0 or 1.
SwapBits Swap the bits for data being returned from Citect for DOS server to Citect for Windows. This may be required as the bit order for some PLC protocols has changed from Citect for DOS to Citect for Windows. If digital data is displayed incorrectly try this option. You may have to use this option in association with SwapBytes. Default 0, range 0 or 1.

See also Q1196 on details on how to setup a Citect for DOS server or client.


