Yes you can call the CodeTrace() function
from the cicode window as with any other cicode function. If you
want to trace a cicode thread you may look at the kernel PAGE TABLE
CICODE to find the TaskHnd of the cicode thread you want to trace
then call the CodeTrace() function for that thread. If you want to
trace a cicode task that you are about to start in the cicode
window you may use the mode -2 in the task handle. For example
CodeTrace(-2, 3) will enable code tracing for the next cicode
thread created. You then call your function in the cicode window
and that task will be traced.
Sometimes in the time you enter the CodeTrace() to entering the
function you want to trace, Citect may start another cicode task
and then that task will be traced. To work around this problem and
allow easier tracing of cicode the cicode to window can call the
CodeTrace function automatically for you just before it creates any
cicode task. To use this method of tracing you enter TRACE
<sMode> where nMode is the same as the nMode in CodeTrace
function. Once you have set a mode the cicode window will then call
the CodeTrace() function for all cicode task created in the window.
To turn off the trace mode enter TRACE 0. For example if you wanted
use trace mode 3 to trace the execution of your function called
myfunc() you would enter the bold text below. The cicode window
will respond with the italic text:
>trace 3
Trace Mode 3
Task still running, TaskHnd() = 5
>trace 0
Trace Mode 0