Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 3.00

Question: How can I define a variable tag which will read from one location when reading but will write to a different location when writing? 

Use the remap feature of the CITECT compiler.
  1. You may define the variable tag in the VARIABLE.DBF with its reading location and use remap to redirect the writes or
  2. You may define the variable tag in the VARIABLE.DBF with its writing location and use remap to redirect the reads.

Use the "UnitName|Address|" notation to define your Citect and Physical variables.

Enable the remap read (0x100) or remap write (0x200) option for that protocol in the PROTDIR.DBF.

If all your PLCs for that protocol have identical mapping between read and write locations. You can use read/write mode 2 which will ignore the UnitName. You will only need to define the remap for the variables for one PLC.


