The error message cicode foreground run
too long will be generated when a foreground cicode task has
consumed all of its time slice. Citect will halt this cicode and
generate this hardware error. In versions 1.00 to 2.01 under some
conditions Citect would not halt foreground cicode tasks which
consumed all of their time slices. So you may have had cicode tasks
which ran too long with previous version but they went unnoticed.
This problem was fixed in version 2.10 and later.
You must change you cicode so it does not take so long to
execute, or create a background cicode task with the TasKNew()
function. You may also increase the time slice given to the
foreground cicode task via the parameter [code]TimeSlicePage. Be
careful when increasing this parameter as setting the time slice to
a large value can cause sluggish performance.