The trend data is most likely being copied
to the clipboard correctly. As you stated when you select a rubber
band area the data does get copied to the clipboard. What is
happening is that when you copy the entire trend data to the
clipboard it is taking a longer period to complete the copy. To
completely copy the data to the clipboard it can take several
seconds, so if you goto the clipboard immediately you will see no
data in it. It takes several seconds to complete because Citect is
a fully preemptive system, and Citect is allowing you to continue
without waiting for the data to be copied to the clipboard. Other
single threaded applications would display the hour glass until a
clipboard copy was complete, but as Citect is multi threaded you
can continue to do other operations while the copy is in progress.
If you a manually copying data to other applications then just
wait a few seconds longer for the data to appear in the