Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 3.00

How do I use the Genius I/O PCIM card with Citect? 

The board address, I/O Port address are set via dip switches on the daughter board.
Boards form
Board name: User supplied unique name
Board type: GENIUS
Address: 0xc800 Board's memory start segment (in hexadecimal) in 0x400 (16K) increment from 0xc000 to 0xf9000
I/O Port: 0x320 Board's I/O port number (in hexadecimal)
Interrupt: not used
Special Opt: not used
Ports form
Port name: User supplied unique name
Port number: not used
Board name: Use the "Board name" from the Boards form
Baud rate: not used
Data bits: not used
Stop bits: not used
Parity: not used
Special Opt: -rN where N is start address of broadcast global data

-lN where N is number of bytes in broadcast global data

I/O Devices form
Name: User supplied unique name
Number: Network wide I/O device number
Address: PLC unit number. If '/p' is appended to the unit number then high priority messages are use for sending messages on the bus.
Protocol: GENIUS for GE Series Six
GENIUS70 for GE 90/70
Port name: Use the "Port name" from the Ports form

Standard citect.ini options

MaxPending = 8
Block = 128 bytes
Retry = 0
Delay = 0
TimeOut = 3000 milliseconds
PollTime = 25 milliseconds
WatchTime = 30 seconds


  • GENIUS.DLL - Genius I/O PCIM Driver for windows
  • GENIUS.DBF - GE Series Six variable template
  • GENIUS70.DBF - GE 90/70 variable template

GE Fanuc Series Six PLC Variables

R Registers 1 to 16384
GR Global Register 1 to 64
SP Scratch Pad 0 to 255
Digital Bits 1 to 1024
I Input
O Output
GIO Global I/O
F Unit Fault bit 0 to 31
AO O1+ O2+ O3+ O4+ O5+ O6+ O7+
O8+ O9+ OA+ OB+ OC+ OD+ OE+ OF+
AI I1+ I2+ I3+ I4+ I5+ I6+ I7+
I8+ I9+ IA+ IB+ IC+ ID+ IE+ IF+
O0- O1- O2- O3- O4- O5- O6- O7-
O8- O9- OA- OB- OC- OD- OE- OF-
I0- I1- I2- I3- I4- I5- I6- I7-
I8- I9- IA- IB- IC- ID- IE- IF-

