Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 1.00 1.01 1.10 1.11 1.20 2.00 2.01 3.00

How do I use the RELIANCE Protocol? 

The serial drivers PCxI, MCxI, COMxI or COMx may be used.

The default communication parameters at the PLC is 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit.

Citect can only issue one request at a time.

I/O Devices form
Name: User supplied unique name
Number: Network wide I/O device number
Address: NODE,SLOT

NODE destination address in octal
SLOT slot number in octal

e.g. 0,0 for direct connection to processor or 2,1 for Port 0 in slot 2

Protocol: RELIANCE
Port name: Use the "Port name" from the Ports form

Standard citect.ini options

MaxPending = 2
Block = 40 bytes
Retry = 0
Delay = 0
TimeOut = 2000 milliseconds
PollTime = 0
WatchTime = 30 seconds.


  • RELIANCE.DLL RELIANCE Driver for windows
  • RELIANCE.DBF RELIANCE variable template

RELIANCE Variables

OOOOO   Integer
OOOOO.oo   Bits

OOOOO is the word number in octal
oo is bit number from 00 to 17 in octal


