Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 2.00 2.01 3.00

When you copy between pages your AN's can get changed. This caused my plots to stop working in the following example:- Page with AN3 used for the PlotOpen(.) function, when I copied this page to another project it changed AN 3 to AN 21. 

When you copy ANs from one page to another the graphic builder always tries to give the ANs the same numbers. This is not always possible as the ANs may already be used. In your example above the page you are copying to already has ANs 1 to 20 defined so the graphic builder cannot use AN 3. When the graphic builder cannot use the same animation numbers it tries to create the AN in the same order as the source ANs. This keeps any association between the ANs the same. If the graphic builder cannot do this then is will use AN where available.

In your page above you should delete ANs 3 to 20 and then copy the ANs again.


