Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 1.x 2.x 3.x 4.x

Question: If I create a new cicode thread using the TaskNew() function, when does the TaskNew() function return. Does TaskNew() return immediately or wait for the new cicode thread to complete?

The TaskNew() will normally return before the new cicode thread has completed. However this is not always the case and you should not rely on the exact timing of the TaskNew() function and the created cicode thread. This is because the exact scheduling is based on the Citect kernel scheduler and is effected by real time events, so it may change depending on what is happening on your computer. If the new cicode thread is very small and does not read any PLC data, then the new cicode thread may terminate before the TaskNew() function has returned.

This is how the TaskNew() function actually operates:

  1. Create a new cicode thread control block.
  2. Make the cicode thread control block to point at the new function and push the arguments onto the stack.
  3. If not using mode 4 (Request all I/O Device data before starting task) in TaskNew(), or using mode 4 and the function does not read any PLC variables then goto next step. Send the request for the PLC data to the I/O server and put the cicode thread into a wait state. The TaskNew() function will now return before any cicode has been executed. When the data is returned from the I/O server the cicode thread will awaken and will start executing in parallel to the first cicode thread. This delay in starting could be from a few milliseconds to several seconds.
  4. Schedule the cicode to start executing. The cicode scheduler is designed to give higher priority for newly created cicode, so this cicode will run immediately. The new cicode thread will keep running until it is preempted by a higher priority Citect event or run out of it's time slice. Once this cicode thread has been preempted then the TaskNew() function will return. The new cicode thread will continue to execute in parallel with the first cicode thread.

