Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 3.x 4.x

When I create a page from a blank template with resolution greater than VGA, the first animation point I add to the template begins with AN3. This is a problem if I want to use ANs 1 and 2 for last alarm and prompt messages. 

The Citect "blank" template is intended to be blank and as such ANs 1 and 2 exist but are not in view.

To move the ANs into view:

  • In the Graphics Builder, open your page (or template) based on the "blank" template
  • Add a symbol to the page or template
  • Select "Break Lock Mode" from the Edit menu
  • Select "Select All" from the Edit menu
  • Using the mouse, select and drag the symbol (plus ANs) to a lower position on the page or template

You can now make use of these animation points. Using this technique you can create your own templates (with ANs 1 and 2) based on the Citect "blank" template.

