Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA x.x

When upgrading Citect(2.01) and MSACCESS(2.0) in an application from 16-to 32-bit there might be problems to initialise the link. We used the following command in ACCESS basic


however it didn't work. "chan1" was defined as a variant variable in access basic and according to the help that would work.


Here is a small example where we fetch the variable Ukass from Citect into Access. Note that "chan1" HAS TO BE defined as Long for getting this to work in MSACCESS 7.0

The code in access basic could look like this:

Dim chan1 As Long
Dim KassNr As Variant

chan1 = DDEInitiate("Citect", "DATA")
KassNr = DDERequest(chan1, "UKass")
MsgBox (KassNr)
DDETerminate chan1

Note that "chan1" HAS TO BE defined as Long.


