Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 4.00, 5.00

The newer Elsag Bailey DCS, the Infi 90, supercedes the older Net90 for which the Citect BAILEY driver was originally written for. However, the BAILEY driver has been upgraded and now supports the Infi 90 with a number of sites using this driver in this role. What are some details regarding the Infi 90 and the BAILEY driver. 

The BAILEY driver uses the NCIU-02 or NCIU-03 to gain access to the Bailey Net 90 network. With the Infi 90, the NCIU-02 and NCIU-03 have been replaced with the ICI-01, which is functionally equivalent to the older NCIU-03. The ICI-01 refers to a combination of the ICT-01 module (the serial comms processor) and an NIS-01 module (equivalent to a network card to access the internal Infi-net loop). The BAILEY driver communicates to the ICT-01 module and has been successfully used a number of times.

The BAILEY driver has the following addressing capabilties:

  • 10000 Points per CIU (1 to 10000)
  • 8 Rings (0 to 7, can use new '[bailey]ring =' to map to numbers 0 to 255)
  • 256 nodes per ring ( 0 to 255)
  • 32 modules per node (0 to 31)
  • 16384 blocks per module (0 to 16383)

If you are using two ICT modules to improve performance on the system, be careful not to interlace tags in each ICT (e.g. don't have ICT1 talking to blocks 555, 559 and 580, while ICT2 is talking to 556, 560 and 577). While it won't actually hurt it, it may affect the scan time of the processor, depending on how badly you interlace everything. As a recommendation, only use more than one ICT if you need to access more than 10000 indexes (not necessarily the same thing as tags) from the system, or provide redundancy. Also note that Citect prefers to have similar tag types grouped into indexes (e.g. all the RCM reads in index range say 5000-5999), so bear this in mind when trying to split things across two or more modules.


