Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA x.x

Citect Device Drivers have standard parameters for changing their operating characteristics. What does the parameter 'Timeout' mean?

First, it should be noted that drivers have default values for these parameters. During development the best combination of default values for these values is setup based on our results from testing and our experience with all drivers. We advise that the standard parameter entries are not altered from their defaults unless otherwise advised by Citect support.

The parameter 'Timeout' specifies how many milliseconds the driver will wait for a response to a request before regarding that request as failed (and either doing a retry or returning an error to Citect). The time should be long enough to avoid false errors. But, if set too long then Citect will wait needlessly after an error and this will increase the time taken to trigger a redundancy swap over.

For a serial protocols the Timeout time is usually set to around 1000 mS (i.e. 1 seconds). However the value should be determined by from experience with the protocol. Many drivers using network protocols can support timeouts of less than 1 second.


