Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA x.x

Under unusual conditions Citect may display the error message "Cannot display page" and then abort. This error occurs because Citect is trying to display a page and that page cannot be displayed. Under this condition Citect will go back to the page it was displaying. If when going back Citect cannot display the previous page then Citect is stuck. Citect cannot go forward or backward so it will abort with the error "Cannot display page".

This error is very unusual as if Citect was already displaying a page it is very unusual it cannot get back to it. It is common for Citect to not be able to display a new page as the new page may be corrupted or the page may not exist. Also if you have file server redundancy setup even the failure of the file server will not cause this error to occur.


This error is unusual and you should check for major failures of the file system or corruption of your project. Contact Citect Support for more details of this problem. 

