Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA

Together with the new price list, September 1997, a name for a Citect Server Licence has been changed. The name "User" has been changed to "Full Licence". 

Earlier, the name Users only referred to the number of server licences on a hardware key. However, this was missunderstood as Users implied the total number of Citect Licences on a hardware key, including Display Clients and Manager Clients. For example an old key which read:

I/O Count: 15K
Serial no: 0478-xxxxx

Could give the impression that there was 2 Full Licences and 1 Manager Client, i.e. 3 users. The above key will now have the following label with the new names:

FULL: 3       MNGR: 1
I/O : 15K     DSP : -
Serial No: 0478-xxxxx

This is to clearly indicate that the key has 3 Full Licences, 1 Manager Client and 0 Display Clients with 15,000 points. The new labels will be used from key number (roughly) 0478-13500 and onwards. Also, the names Display Nodes and Manager Nodes should no longer be used, instead Display Clients and Manager Clients should be used.


  • There are no new prices
  • "Full Licence" instead of "Users"
  • "Display Client" instead of "Display Node"
  • "Manager Client" instead of "Manager Node"

