Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx

I want to set my own substitution path for the data directory in the Custom Computer Setup. However, when I change the default data path to my data directory path, and use [data] substitution in the FileName field in the Trend Tags database, Citect runtime fails during Trend Server startup.  The following errors is given:

Path: '[DATA]:TEMP01' not suitable for trend files.

If I set data directory back to default location ('Citect install directory\Data') Citect runtime works correctly. What is causing this problem? 

When the trend server starts up, it checks that the trend files names are valid. Part of these checks is to make sure that the trend files are not stored in any of the reserved Citect directories. If the trend files are stored in a reserved directory, you will get the error message "not suitable for trend files". The reserved directories are where Citect stores its binary files and your project files. These are the BIN, USER, RUN and BACK directories. Check your CITECT.INI file to see where they are. Eg under [CTEDIT]:


Verify that your [DATA]:TEMP01 directory is not the same as any of the above directories. 

