Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.10

I've defined the pages in my project to display without a Title Bar, but when I run my project the pages display slightly smaller than they should as well as having a Title Bar. I don't want Title Bars as they are a potential security risk, how do I ensure that the pages in my project won't display Title Bars? 

With the addition of Resizable Pages to Citect it is possible that pages will not display exactly as you defined them using the default settings in runtime. This is due to the fact that Citect will attempt to display the entire page on the screen as well as providing you with the standard Windows title bars.

There are two methods of ensuring that your pages are displayed exactly as you defined them, depending on your requirements.

Case 1: You want to have the ability to resize a page (such as a popup) at runtime but you don't want to see Title Bars. To achieve this you should set the following parameters in your Citect.ini file or project

[Animator] FullScreen = 1
[Page] DynamicSizing=1

Case 2: You want to have your pages appear without a Title Bars and do not want to have the ability to resize pages at runtime. (ie the same behaviour as in previous versions of Citect). To achieve this you should set the following parameters in your Citect.ini file or project

[Animator] FullScreen = 1
[Page] DynamicSizing = 0


