Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx

Under certain circumstances, trend graphs may appear the wrong size. This mainly happens when a trend is pasted as a symbol on a page and the Cicode function DspTrend() is used to load the same trend symbol on the same page.

There are currently three ways to use trend graphs on a page:

  1. The Cicode function DspTrend().
  2. Pasting a library object containing a symbol object.
  3. Drawing a trend graph using the trend tool in graphics builder.

Using any combination of the three on a page will not cause the problem, unless it is combination 1 and 2 and the trend object pasted is resized in Graphics Builder.

If using a combination of method 1 and 2, do not under any circumstances resize the pasted trend symbol on the page. If you require a different size trend symbol, draw a trend graph using the trend tool instead of pasting a library object.

The use of method 2 is not recommended and is only supported for historical reasons. Method 2 has no advantages in functionality over method 3.


