Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 3.xx, 4.xx, 5.xx

History files may not roll over at the appointed time, and then roll over multiple times in a short period of time. 

A device has missed creating a history file. Citect has been held up from creating a history file (by other tasks) for such a time, that it has reached the next period to write a history file. It has then tried to 'make up' for missing a history period by doing history multiple times in succession.

This may happen with alarm history files if an alarm did not happen during the history period.

CIT has confirmed this to be a problem in Citect for Windows versions 3.40/4.20 and 5.10. This problem has been fixed in version 3.40/4.20 Service Pack L and 5.20 Service Pack A.

Citect will now report the hardware alarm 'Device has missed rollover' (the error code is 365).


