Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx

In V5.20, the cursor keeps snapping back to a point in the middle of the screen when the arrow keys are used to move to objects on the page. It is actually snapping back to the mouse pointer. This isn't a problem if you have a mouse since all you need to do is move your pointer to a location on the screen which isn't over an object. However, if you don't use a mouse then the cursor will keep snapping back to a point in the middle of the screen and that point can't be moved. Even though a mouse is not connected to the computer the mouse point remains. This is where you will see the hourglass on the screen when the system is busy. 

Go to the AnmCursor parameters in the Help and choose MouseSnapToCursor. Change the value to 1. The citect.ini can also be edited to look like this.


This change will mean that the mouse point will follow the cursor rather than the cursor snapping back to your (invisible) mouse.


