Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx

Citect will sometimes crash at runtime when displaying a page or activating a Super Genie. When examining the page or Super Genie that caused the crash in the Graphics Builder, you will see that animation point 1 does not exist on the page, or is associated with an object rather than being a pure animation point. This can easily be checked using the Goto Object tool. 

The cause of the crash may be that the reserved animation point 1 has been removed from a template or Super Genie. This can result in a problem at runtime, when the Keyboard Input Manager for a page is attempting to write to animation point 1. This can cause a crash if the animation point is not a pure animation point. CIT has confirmed this to be a problem in Citect for Windows versions 5.xx. The change prevents the Keyboard Input manager from attempting to write to animation point 1 unless it is a pure animation point. However if the reserved animation point 1 (or any reserved animation point), has been removed, then it should be replaced by first cutting and storing all objects on the page, adding the missing pure animation points using the Citect Graphics builder 4.2 / 3.4 tools, and then pasting back onto the page the original objects.

This problem has been fixed in version 5.21 Service Pack A.


