Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.20, 5.21

When I imported tags from a RSLogix generated CSV file, no data type was assigned to addresses like N7:14. 

This appears to be because some addresses can be defined as BCD or INT or LONG or LONGBCD.

(See Citect Help topic: PLC5 - Data Types.)

The following lines in the rslogic.fmt file can generally be completed like this:

Output_image2 = O:%e -> INT
Input_image2 = I:%e -> INT
Status_words2 = S:%d -> INT
Timer2  = T%d:%d.%d -> INT
Counter2 = C%d:%d.%d -> INT
Control2 = R%d:%d.%d -> INT
Binary3 = B%d:%d -> INT
Integer2 = N%d:%d -> INT
Sequential_Function_Chart2 = SC%d:%d.%d -> INT
Block_Transfer2 = BT%d:%d.%d -> INT
ASCII = A%d:%d -> INT
BCD = D%d:%d -> BCD

