Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.21, 5.21 Service Pack C

Using the CTAPI ctFindFirst function you can access the RDB databases of Citect. However the RDB files contain very low level binary information which is not useful to customers. 

To provide more useful information CTAPI has been enhanced in version 5.21 SP C to support views of the RDB databases. These views remove the unnecessary internal binary information and convert some binary information into a useful string format. To access the views you use the ctFindFirst() function passing the name of the view. You may still access the original RDB data by specifying the raw RDB table name. The following views are supported:


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DigAlm "{TAG,16}{NAME,32}{DESC,80}{HELP,16}{CATEGORY,8}{STATE,16}{TIME,12}{DATE,12}{AREA,6}"

AnaAlm "{TAG,16}{NAME,32}{DESC,80}{HELP,16}{CATEGORY,8}{STATE,16}{TIME,12}{DATE,12}{AREA,6}"


AdvAlm "{TAG,16}{NAME,32}{DESC,80}{HELP,16}{CATEGORY,8}{STATE,16}{TIME,12}{DATE,12}{AREA,6}"

To get any real time data from the view the CTAPI connection should be talking with the required server. For example if you want valid information in the STATE property of the DigAlm view CTAPI should be connected to the alarm server. You can get static configuration properties from any Citect, for example the TAG and TREND view provide only static configuration data.


