Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx

Citect will sometimes crash at runtime when displaying a page or activating a Super Genie.  When examining the page or Super Genie that caused the crash in the Graphics Builder, you will see that one of the animation points on the page calls cicode that writes text to itself or another animation point that is not a pure animation point.  The cicode calls the DspText cicode built in function, or calls a cicode function which in turn calls DspText such as TrendDspCursorValue. 

CIT has confirmed this to be a problem in Citect for Windows versions 5.xx.  The crash may result from the use of the DspText function where the animation point parameter refers to an animation point which is not a pure animation point.  This problem has been fixed in version 5.21 Service Pack B.  The fix is has been to prevent Citect crashing in this situation, and to provide a hardware alarm indicating this error condition.  The hardware alarm has the following message "Wrong type for text display AnXX" where XX refers to the An number being written to.  If this error is found, then the problem should be rectified by ensuring text is configured to be written only to pure animation points.  Configure these points using the Citect Graphics Builder 3.4 / 4.2 tools. 

