Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx

When running the Citect explorer a message dialogue box is displayed.


" The project at D:\Citect\User\xxxxx\ has a name that already exists, or is invalid.

If you wish to have access to this project you may rename the second row.

Selecting 'No' will remove this link. If required you may add it again later, using Add project link.

Proceed? YES NO "


If 'YES' is selected then a dialogue to create a new project is displayed.

Once this dialogue box is filled in and 'OK' is selected an exception error occurs.


If 'NO' is selected then the exception error occurs immediately.

The exception error is,

" An unexpected exception error has been encountered while accessing your project databases.

ODBC return code 1006

Error description: Multiple rows were updated.

ODBC error string: "

From this point there is no way to run the citect explorer or any projects.


The problem is that the Master.dbf file is not being correctly updated, the entry is being marked as deleted but it is not removed. Thus when the new link is created there are two links which causes the exception.

To fix the immediate problem:

  1. Open the Master.dbf file with a third party database editor such as Excel. 
  2. Save the file as the native format for your editor, eg Master.xls. 
  3. Now close the file and reopen, save the file as Master.dbf, dbase 4 format. This procedure forces the packing of the Master.dbf file.

The problem should be now corrected and Citect should be running normally.

To prevent this from happening in the future:

  1. Go to the ODBC applet in Control panel.  In the System DSN Tab choose the Citect_Dbf.



  1. Click Configure to open the dBASE setup for this DSN. 
  2. Click the Options button.



  1. Clear the 'Show Deleted Rows' checkbox in the DSN Citect_dbf options.

