Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.30 Service Pack A

In Citect for Windows version 5.31, [CTAPI]CpuLoadCount and [CTAPI]CpuLoadSleepMS have been added to control the peak CPU usage of the Cicode functions that process CTAPI ctFindFirst(), Trend and Alarm requests. The information for using these parameters does not appear in the help file for that version.

The missing information follows:

It is sometimes possible to overload the server's CPU when making queries for Trend and Alarm data during the processing of ctFindFirst. [CTAPI]CpuLoadCount and [CTAPI]CpuLoadSleepMS have been added to control the peak CPU usage of the Cicode functions that process CTAPI ctFindFirst, Trend and Alarm requests. These parameters should only be used when server overload is being caused by calls to ctFindFirst or the OLEDB driver. The best settings need to be determined through experimentation since they will be system specific. Use [CTAPI]CpuLoadSleepMS in preference to using [CTAPI]CpuLoadCount.


Determines the frequency with which the Cicode processing of ctFindFirst will sleep. It corresponds approximately to the number of rows of query data processed by the server before each sleep period.

Decreasing this value will potentially free the CPU more for other processing but will cause the query to take longer. You should normally use [CTAPI]CpuLoadSleepMS in preference to using the parameter.

This setting only applies to queries for Trend and Alarm data.

Allowable Values 0 to any valid INT

Default Value 100


Determines the how long the Cicode processing of ctFindFirst will sleep. Increasing this value will potentially free the CPU more for other processing but will cause the query to take longer.

This setting only applies to queries for Trend and Alarm data.

Allowable Values 0 to any valid INT (milliseconds)

Default Value 100


