Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.40

I want to create a new Trend Template and still use the Trend Genie form  

Create a new template, unlinked, based on a standard trend template, eg singletrend, VGA, top style.

Open the original template and copy the genie strings from the trend object - %trend1_pen1% etc and paste into the new template.

Save the template as a new style and in your project. eg newtrend, mystyle.

Copy the relevant frm file from the include project to your project and rename it the same as the style you saved the new template. eg top.frm saved as mystyle.frm.

Open the mystyle.frm and copy the singletrend@vga section of the form.

Rename it to the name of your trend template. eg.

! Single Trend template on VGA (with title)


FORM "newtrend@VGA", "Single Trend";


Open the template and save.

This should link it to the form.


