Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.40 Service Pack B

Citect presently supports tags starting with a number when the parameter [GENERAL]TagStartDigit=1 is set, however the CitectVBA language syntax does not support variables starting with a number irrespective of this parameter.

For the tags fix, number tags must be prefixed with VB_ or vb_ in CitectVBA code for the variable to compile and be accessible. Note that we have to use a letter as this is the Microsoft VB standard (things like '_' will not compile). Note also that if you happened to name a tag starting with VB_ followed by some numbers that will still be accessible from CitectVBA since it looks for the tag "as is" first and then tries removing the prefix VB_ if it did no match was found. This also applies to Alarm tags.


CIT has confirmed this to be a problem in Citect for Windows versions 5.40spkB. This problem has been fixed in version 5.41. 

