Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA older than 5.x

My Citect V3.x based system has been running under Window 3.11 for many years, the protection key died recently. I received a replacement key for the latest version of CitectSCADA v5.42, but I am happy with my existing system and do not want to upgrade my system to the latest version of CitectSCADA. Can I use a new style protection keys for CitectSCADA 5.42 with my Citect version 3.x based system under Window 3.11? Is there anything special that I need to be aware of? 

You should be able to use new style protection keys for CitectSCADA 5.42 with your existing Citect version 3.x based system under Window 3.11. We are not aware of any problems relating to operating systems and the dongles . There should be nothing special you need to do except follow the normal procedure in replacing a faulty key. 

