Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx

All of CitectSCADA's super genie functions only allow you to associate up to 8 variable tags. Is there a way to associate more tags to a super genie? 

Copying the following Cicode into a Cicode library file (*.CI) in your project will allow you to associate up to 12 variable tags to a super genie:

! This function will assign variable tags to the 12 fields contained in the super genie !pid_tune
! It was written because a regular super genie can pass only eight variables
! TRR 01/11/02

AssWi(STRING sPage, INT x = 0, INT y = 0, INT mode = 0, STRING sTag1 = "", STRING sTag2 = "", STRING sTag3 = "", STRING sTag4 ="", STRING sTag5 = "", STRING sTag6 = "", STRING sTag7 = "", STRING sTag8 = "", STRING sTag9 = "", STRING sTag10 = "", STRING sTag11 ="", STRING sTag12 = "");

    Ass(-2, 1, sTag1, 0);
    Ass(-2, 2, sTag2, 0);
    Ass(-2, 3, sTag3, 0);
    Ass(-2, 4, sTag4, 0);
    Ass(-2, 5, sTag5, 0);
    Ass(-2, 6, sTag6, 0);
    Ass(-2, 7, sTag7, 0);
    Ass(-2, 8, sTag8, 0);
    Ass(-2, 9, sTag9, 0);
    Ass(-2, 10, sTag10, 0);
    Ass(-2, 11, sTag11, 0);
    Ass(-2, 12, sTag12, 0);

    IF WinNewAt(sPage, x, y, mode) = -1 THEN
        RETURN 269;
        RETURN 0;


