Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA
  • Citect PocketSCADA

After installing PocketScada onto my PDA and logging in as the Administrator, PocketScada will fail to download tags when I select "Download Tags" from the server menu. I get the following error message:

"Error: WebException"

After I hit OK, tags fail to download from the server.


This problem is caused by the .asmx file extension not being added to the Application Configuration for the Default Web Service under Internet Information Services. This may occur if you install the full .net development environment onto your computer.

To confirm that this is causing your problem open Computer Management, and then expand Internet Information Services and open the properties for the "Default Web Service". Under the "App Mappings" tab of the "Application Configuration" you should see the the extension .asmx is missing from the list.

To solve this problem, open up a command prompt and go to the directory "C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322". Execute the command "aspnet_regiis -r". Close the command prompt window and switch back to your Computer Management window. Right click on "Internet Information Services" and select "Restart IIS...". You should now be able to successfully download tags to your PDA.


