Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx, 6.xx
  • CitectHMI 5.xx, 6.xx

Installshield gets to 85% then gives the following error message: "Setup has detected that unInstallShield is in use. Please close unInstallShield and restart setup. Error 432".

NOTE: there is also an InstallShield error when trying to uninstall CitectSCADA without administrative privileges. If you try to uninstall CitectSCADA without administrative privileges, you get the usual prompt, "Are you sure you want to completely remove the selected application and all of its components?" However, if you click Yes, you get the following error, "Unable to locate/process internal binary resource. Please contact your software vendor."


You have to have administrative rights on your PC. InstallShield tries to delete UNINST.EXE from the \WINNT directory (so that it can install the latest version). If you do not have the rights to do this, it will presume that unInstallShield is already running, and gives the above message.

For more information regarding this problem consult the Installshield KB article Q110613 at

For the error when trying to uninstall, you again have administrative rights on your PC. If you log on to the PC with Administrator privileges, the uninstall will succeed.


