Trend favorites are stored on the Pocket
PC in \My Device\My Documents\Config.XML. For example:
- <trendSettings>
<setting name="Pressures" sel1="2" sel2="6" sel3="-1" sel4="-1"
readOnly="True" />
Since only tag numbers (instead of tag names) are used, the
numbers could refer to the wrong tags if you downloaded a new list
of tags. To prevent this problem SCADA Pocket will automatically
delete the favorites whenever you download tags. If you want to
keep your favorites you will have to manually add the new or
modified tags to config.xml. Another solution is to make a backup
of config.xml, download the new tag list, then copy the favorites
from the backup file into the new config.xml. This would require
that you do not change the order of the original tags.