Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.5x
  • CitectHMI 5.5x

No sounds play in Example project when the default installation path for Citect 5.50 is used (c:\Program Files\Citect). 

Citect has confirmed this to be a problem in CitectHMI/SCADA version 5.50. This problem has been fixed in version 6.00.

The PlayWav() Cicode function needs to use a different format to support paths or filenames containing spaces. The space in the path causes a call to the DspMCI play command to fail. This can be fixed in version 5.5x by modifying the PlayWav() function in the file in the Example project.

Change line 26:

Original: sCommand = "Open " + sPath + " Alias WAV type WaveAudio";

New: sCommand = "Open ^"" + sPath + "^" Alias WAV type WaveAudio";


