Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx
  • CitectHMI 5.xx

Can I use the Serial Communications cable "Siemens Simatic S7 PC Adapter V5.1", Simatic Softnet 6.x and the Citect S7NT driver to communicate to my S7-300/S7-400? 

No. The PC adapter is purely for downloading and viewing data via Step 7. There is no configuration possible in Simatic Softnet to allow Citect to use the PC Adapter to communicate to the PLC via the S7NT driver.

You will need to purchase a special PCI card for your PC (CP5511) to communicate using MPI protocol or Profibus DP. Althernatively, you could buy an Ethernet Module for the S7 PLC and communicate using Industrial Ethernet and a standard PC Network card.

A previous KB Article Q3018 was written describing the same thing, except that Simatic Net 3.0 was used. Since version 3.0, Siemens have removed the "Loop-hole" allowing use of the PC Adapter for SCADA/HMI communications with S7 PLCs.


Serial, S7, S7NT, PC Adapter, Siemens, Profibus, MPI  
