Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 6.00
  • CitectHMI 6.00

When I use cicode to show the Properties page of the Process Analyst in runtime I observed that animation freezes and that trend and alarms do not get recorded. Can you explain this? 

Using cicode to show the Properties page of the Process Analyst does block Citect and so trend and alarms are not recorded until you close the Properties page. This is the case for calling any automation method on an ActiveX control which displays a modal dialog in Citect.

In the case of the Process Analyst, the Print, AddPen and Properties methods have been implemented for embedding the Process Analyst into a Visualbasic or C/C++ application. Using Cicode to call any function which spawns a modal dialog from an Active X control will block the cicode and consequently Citect.

Alternatively you could use CiVBA for methods which need to display modal dialog boxes. This will allow the trends and alarms to continue, but the outside graphics will halt.


