Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx, 6.00
  • CitectHMI 5.xx, 6.00

When I use AlarmSumGet(index, "Comment") it just returns blank string. The Help says it should return the alarm comment. 

In this example, the second parameter of the Cicode function (AlarmSumGet(index, "Comment") is used to return any Operator comments. These are set by using AlarmComment("Comment") on Alarm Summary entries and are attached to Alarm Log entries.

Instead, to return the configured alarm comment use the "AlmComment" keyword as in AlarmSumGet(index, "AlmComment") and AlarmGetFieldRec(Record, "AlmComment", nVer).

Note: To call these from a client, either use MsgRPC() or an alarm query function, otherwise it will only find alarms currently displayed on the client.

Citect has confirmed this to be a problem in CitectHMI/SCADA version 5.00 to 6.00 online Help.


