The problem could be due to the fact that
the remote modem is running at a different connection speed as
compared to the local modem on the Citect Server Machine. To force
your local modem to run at the desired connection speed (or bps),
you can vary the modulation of the modem through the AT set of
The command format is:
AT+MS= <mod>
<mod> is a decimal number which specifies the preferred
modulation (automode enabled) or the modulation (automode
disabled) to use in originating or answering a connection. The
following table* details all the possible modulations:
<automode> is an optional numeric value which enables (1) or
disables (0) automatic modulation negotiation
<min_RX_rate> is an optional number which specifies the
lowest rate at which the modem may establish a receive
connection. The value is in units of bps, e.g., 2400 specifies the
lowest rate to be 2400 bps.
<max_RX_rate> is an optional number which specifies the
highest rate at which the modem may establish a receive
connection. The value is in units of bps, e.g., 28800 specifies the
highest rate to be 288400 bps.
<x_law> is an optional number which specifies the codec type.
The options are:
0 = -Law
1 = A-Law
<reserved> must not be changed from the default value of
<max_TX_rate> is an optional number which specifies the
highest rate at which the modem may establish a transmit
connection. The value is decimal coded, in units of bps, e.g.,
33600 specifies the highest rate to be 33600 bps
E.g You can force your modem to 1200 bps by using the following AT
AT+MS = 1,0,300,1200
Please note that turning your modem off and on can reset it and
hence all the modulation changes can be lost.
*The table is an extract from ROCKWELL SEMICONDUCTOR SYSTEMS
reference manual on AT commands.
***This knowledge base article is based on the ROCKWELL
SEMICONDUCTOR SYSTEMS reference manual on AT commands which is
available at