Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.50, 5.50 Service Pack A, 5.50 Service Pack B, 6.00
  • CitectHMI 5.50, 5.50 Service Pack A, 5.50 Service Pack B, 6.00

Since the implementation of CSV_Include project functionality in v5.50r0, the Page Defaults cannot be modified at the project level. The page resolution, etc. can only be modified at the page level. For large projects consisting of 50+ pages, this would present a rather cumbersome problem to have to modify the screen resolution at the page level.

How can I modify the Page Defaults at the project level?

Citect.ini parameters have been added that specify default page resolution, style, and title bar. The parameters are:


Additionally, it is possible to also access the Page Defaults by going to Graphics Builder | File menu | Defaults.

Please note that the ini parameters discussed here are not available in Citect versions previous to V6.00.

Version 6, page, properties, property, default, project level  
