Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.50, 5.50 Service Pack A, 5.50 Service Pack B, 5.50 Service Pack C, 6.00, 6.00 Service Pack A
  • CitectHMI 5.50, 5.50 Service Pack A, 5.50 Service Pack B, 5.50 Service Pack C, 6.00, 6.00 Service Pack A

In a CSV_Include based project the TrendWin() and TrendPopup() functions display the trend page but do not assign the specified trend tags to the trend pens. If you call PageTrend() with the trend page and associated pens, then try again with TrendWin(). It will work and trends will be displayed.

TrendWin() and TrendPopup() are wrapper functions located in the file in the Include project. If your project includes CSV_Include then these functions call the equivalent CSV functions, i.e. CSV_Trend_Win() or CSV_Trend_Popup(). These functions should be used to display a popup window, not an entire page. Use PageTrend() to display a trend page, this wraps the CSV_Trend_Page() function.

Using TrendWin() or TrendPopup() to display a page also has the added problem of displaying a page over the top of an existing page thereby hiding it. This is not recommended. Please note that these two functions will display a trend page based on the standard template and will work as anticipated. However, the CSV_Trend_Page() is designed to auto load the last pens displayed, overriding the settings specified by CSV_Trend_Win() or CSV_Trend_Popup().

TrendWin(), TrendPopup(), CSV_Trend_Win(), CSV_Trend_Popup(), TrendPage(), CSV_Trend_Page(), trend pen, trend page, trend popup  
