Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx, 6.00

I had no problem to run a IDC client with the administrator Windows account. But the problem occurred when I logged on the machine with a standard user account. The error "No project is currently selected" was generated when I tried to start the IDC client. What is the cause to this problem? 

The error of "No project is selected" is not caused by CitectSCADA. Initially you might think it could be caused by the blank of [CTEDIT]Run parameter. It is not the case. Each time the IDC starts up, this parameter will be re-generated on the fly and it is determined by the IDC installation location and the project running on the IDC server. So this problem appears to be Windows security related.

By default, the security of files or folders for a standard user would be read-only (see the image). Because the IDC client needs to download files from the server, the logon user must have the "Write" right. Please check the security settings on the IDC project folder on the machine and change the permissions for this user so that he or she could run IDC freely.


