Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx, 6.00, 6.00 Service Pack A
  • CitectHMI 5.xx, 6.00, 6.00 Service Pack A

This can occur if the supergenie associations were made on the current page or in a popup window. It is triggered by a call to any of the Cicode functions Login(), Logout() or SetLanguage(). Note that if a user is already logged out and Logout() is called, nothing happens (i.e. the problem does not occur). Correspondingly with Login(), if the user is already logged in and they try to login as themselves again (i.e. the current user), nothing happens (i.e. the problem does not occur). The problem only occurs when the login state changes. 

This problem has been fixed in version 6.10.

For earlier versions, there is no work-around for supergenies that exist on the current (normal) page, however a work-around for popup supergenies does exist:

The cause in this case is that when child windows are opened using WinNewAt (as they are via CSV_MM_WinPopup() and the Ass*() functions) with mode 2 enabled, the window is treated as a separate window instance to the parent window and is left open when a page refresh occurs (triggered by a Login/Logout/SetLanguage). When mode 1 is used, the window is treated as a child page to the parent window and is therefore closed automatically when a page refresh occurs. To work around this problem, don’t use CSV_MM_WinPopup() to open supergenies, as this uses mode 2. If you use AssWin to open a new supergenie, make sure you open with mode 1 enabled and not mode 2. 

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