Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx, 6.xx
  • CitectHMI 5.xx, 6.xx

I have a Citect project configured to use FormSelectPrinter( ), this gives the ability to select the printer I want to print to. The function works fine except, the print setting changes that I make prior to printing gets ignored.

E.g. The Printer settings in Windows is set to print in Portrait print orientation, however if I change this to Landscape print orientation using the printer dialog that appears after calling the FormSelectPrinter( ) cicode function, the changes get ignored .i.e. the page printed is still in Portrait orientation.

Why is this happening? 

This behaviour is by design. Citect always refers to the Printers Default settings as configured in Windows.

In order change print orientation, paper size etc., you need to make these changes to the printer settings in Windows prior to using the printer via Citect. 

Landscape, Printing, WinPrint  
