Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.50, 5.50 Service Pack A, 5.50 Service Pack B, 5.50 Service Pack C, 6.00, 6.00 Service Pack A
  • CitectHMI 5.50, 5.50 Service Pack A, 5.50 Service Pack B, 5.50 Service Pack C, 6.00, 6.00 Service Pack A

When a .TXT report is run using the cicode function Report(), the .TXT file (of the device) rolls over every time the cicode function is run. This means that a single report is run for every device file.

However when a .RTF report is run using the Cicode function Report(), RTF report should roll over at the end of the device period. The .RTF report never rolls over to create an additional report for every device file. 

This has been resolved in version 6.10. New settings have been added to the Citect.ini file to choose if the Roll Over should occur.

TxtRollOver (default is 1, Roll over each time)
RtfRollOver (default is 0, do not roll over each time)

Set [Report]RtfRollOver=1 in your Citect.ini file to force Citect to roll over the Report History Files.

RTF .RTF Reports Rollover Roll Over History Append  
