Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx, 6.XX
  • CitectHMI 5.xx, 6.XX

After adding extra alarm categories and some additional alarms to my project , my alarm filtering function does not work properly.  New alarms get filtered but the old ones disappear from the alarms page when applying the filtering function.

By default Citect recognises alarms by using alarm IDs. However, after making changes to the alarms database/alarm categories, it is possible that the alarm IDs get mixed up. The problem is that alarms in the almsave.dat are stored by their record IDs and hence if there is a change in the alarm ID of some alarms, the alarm filtering function (AlarmSetInfo) does not work. To avoid this issue, you can either delete your almsave.dat file after doing changes to your project or, alternatively you can use the following Citect.ini parameter:


The above Citect.ini parameter ensures that your alarm data gets saved based on alarm tag identifier. However, when using this Citect.INI parameter, you have to make sure that all alarm tags are unique.

