Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 6.XX, 6.00 Service Pack A

In CitectSCADA v6 SPKA I noticed a very long startup of the trend servers, it freezes at the end of “Trend Startup” for about 10-15 minutes. Disabling backfill [Trend]EnableBackfill and/or redundancy [Trend]Redundancy makes the problem disappear and startup is quick.

Three issues with CitectSCADA v6 SPKA are inherent to this situation:

1) The apparent hanging behaviour occurs as the progress indicator for the redundancy backfill startup process is not implemented.
2) Trend redundancy backfill debug messages in the kernel outlined in KB Q3723 are no longer shown in the kernel.
3) This will take a very long time to complete in v6 SPKA if there are large amounts of "N/A"s in your trend data files. The delay length depends on the size of your trends.

Citect has confirmed this to be a problem in CitectHMI/SCADA versions v6 SPKA. Issues (1) and (3) have been fixed in version 6.10.

trend, redundancy, backfill, backfilling, v6 SPKA, hang, trend redundancy backfill  
